FIGHTING LYME: 10+ years
TURNING POINT MOMENT: After only a couple of minutes on the detox cycle, I experienced mental clarity and a decrease in fatigue.
My Life With Lyme
I have been in treatment for Lyme and Co-infections for over ten years. When I was nine years old, I contracted Lyme from a tick bite while on vacation. I was undiagnosed until I was a teenager and became very sick. In high school, I was too sick to attend school so I attended classes online. I then attended college but after graduating, my health declined again, and I was unable to work for a couple of years. During this time, I suffered from severe pain such as joint pain, migraine headaches, and digestive issues as well as chronic fatigue, insomnia, and depression. I used to love to play sports, but there were many days when I could barely walk around my house.
The biggest obstacle in my recovery was my body’s inability to detox. I would have severe Jarisch-Herxheimer reactions with the smallest doses of antibiotics. I felt the Herxheimer reactions were so intense that they were damaging my body and inhibiting my recovery process. This was incredibly disheartening and I wondered if I would ever be healthy.
Samara’s Story Update
During my first year of using the WAVE1, I used the device every morning for only a few minutes. This was recommended to me by my physician, as my body is extremely sensitive. Even at five minutes a day, the WAVE 1 helped me detox and feel better. In the beginning, I had difficulty tolerating the device as I experienced worse fatigue and headaches, so I only used it for a few minutes a day. If I accidentally used it for too long, I kept that in mind for the next day and either skipped a day or used it for a shorter time. I didn’t know if I would ever be able to use the WAVE1 as long as other users. However, since then I have slowly increased the duration of use over time.
Now, I can wear the device for over an hour or more during the day. I stop using it if I feel a drop in energy or my head gets a little cloudy, then use it again the next day, as I no longer need to skip a day. My goal for the future is to use it throughout the night. The frequencies received in small doses have had a cumulative effect on my health and helps me maintain a new healthy normal. My favorite thing about the WAVE1 in the beginning was that it helped me with much-needed detox. Currently, my favorite thing about the device is that it helps me feel both energized and calm at the same time.

Started Using WAVE 1
June, 2020
My WAVE 1 Experience
I use the device every morning for only a few minutes on the detox cycle. This was recommended to me by my physician, as my body is extremely sensitive. Even at five minutes a day, the WAVE 1 has helped me so much. I love that I can customize the device to my own needs.
The Turning Point
The WAVE 1 was effective, the first time I used it. After only a couple of minutes on the detox cycle, I experienced mental clarity and a decrease in fatigue. I have now used the device every day for over six months and now have the mental and physical energy that I haven’t had in years.
I am thankful for adopting a holistic approach to my health. With the help of my physicians and the WAVE 1, I am now able to go to work and exercise daily. I am no longer depressed, my mental clarity has improved, and I am no longer in constant pain.
How I Found FREmedica™
I discovered FREmedica through a relative’s coworker.
My Message To Others
I spent years trying a variety of treatments that were unsuccessful because I could not detox properly. The WAVE 1 provided me with the breakthrough, I needed. I wish I could have started using the WAVE 1 years ago because it has accelerated my progress so much. I appreciate that the intensity and duration of the WAVE 1 frequencies can be customized to a patient’s tolerance and needs.
I made several lifestyle changes over the years to regain my health. I worked with many doctors until I found the treatment that was right for me, I addressed my mental health issues with a counselor and eventually chose to get off of my anti-depressant. I also underwent a long-term restricted diet and then made permanent changes to my eating. I exercise and use the WAVE 1 daily. The WAVE 1 is an important tool that I use in combination with other health-pursuing habits.