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NIKKI Wellness Technology Wearable loaded with the Lyme Programs, is designed to speed recovery from Lyme disease.

The Lyme Programs includes the Lyme Daily Bundle and nine Lyme Support Programs: Bacteria, Detox, Emotion, Gut Health, Histamine, Mold, Lyme Sleep, Inflammation, and Stress.

$999 USD

Introducing the Lyme Support Programs


NIKKI Wellness Technology is being applied to help recovery from Lyme, the fastest-growing vector-borne disease in North America. The Lyme Daily Bundle (and its predecessor WAVE 1) is earning testimonials from a global community of users. And now, we also offer a full suite of programs to complement other modalities in addressing a rapid expansion of the tick population.

While I am still on medications; I look forward to the days where it may be possible to start to get off of many of them; time will tell but NIKKI shows much promise of better days ahead!

– Scoot C

My story began decades ago, when I began feeling pain and having severe brain fog and anxiety. I found myself severely limited physically and emotionally. Along with others who have added NIKKI to their Lyme journey, my life has completely changed. At 62 I’m back to hiking, biking, kayaking, and I’m now learning outdoor climbing, something I’ve wanted to do since I was a child.

– Mary M

My concern after recovering was that Lyme was still hiding and waiting to attack my immune system. NIKKI makes me feel confident that it is not going to happen. I feel fortunate that I’ve got it watching over me. I truly believe this product is helping my overall health and can fully recommend it. 

– Brian J

NIKKI has been an important part of wrapping up the last stage of my Lyme journey. Although the disease and co-infections have been gone for some time, I didn’t feel consistently well and was wary of making plans where others would depend on me.

– Jane PW

For the first few days of using NIKKI I didn’t feel much, but slowly my pain started to subside. My joints were not as stiff and achy, and little by little my insomnia is improving, which is a blessing. The severity of my anxiety has improved as well. My mind is clearer, and I’m not as forgetful as I use to be.

– Barbara B

I have been using the NIKKI wearable frequency device in a trial and it has most certainly made my quality of life better. I have had Lyme as well as a myriad of other tick-borne illnesses for over 30 years and have been on IV antibiotics and a boatload of other herbals and prescription medications and none have done what this has in a short period of time.   

– Scoot C

I’m so happy to have taken part in the NIKKI Lyme trial. It has definitely helped. My energy is up and I’m sleeping better! I’m getting up earlier and accomplishing more! You have to be patient and make sure that you use your NIKKI every day! 

– Lisa F

Before I participated in the NIKKI Lyme Trial I was miserable. I suffered from pain throughout my body, insomnia, brain fog, anxiety and an overall lack of wellness. It never occurred to me that what I might have Lyme disease. I’ve been using my NIKKI for the last 6 months and now have a quality of life I thought was no longer possible.  

– Barbara B

I pressed through the difficulties in raising three children, and helping my husband build three companies, but I felt that I wasn’t the best wife or mother due to my irritability. I could no longer walk properly and was using hiking poles to hobble to my specialist appointments and find no answers. With NIKKI, I am more steady, I don’t have emotional spikes and have much more energy.

– Mary M

NIKKI is easy to use. Just slide on the band and press the “button.” The program adjusts incrementally over time without the user having to fuss with changes. Over the six months of being in the Lyme trial, my sleep and energy have become steady and dependable. I am more resilient. Honestly, it’s a great place to be. I’d recommend the NIKKI Lyme to anyone suffering from this complex illness. 

– Jane PW




The same bioenergetic frequency science that brought relief to Lyme sufferers worldwide is now captured in NIKKI. This wearable watch-sized wellness technology enables wearers to address issues and enhance performance with a wide choice of programs.


Frequencies are key to communication within the network of trillions of cells that make up the human body. NIKKI is a watch-size, bioenergetic-based wellness technology designed to restore proper cellular function and strengthen immunity to help overcome the symptoms of Lyme Disease and co-infections.

4 MILLION people in North America suffer from Lyme disease.

400,000 diagnosed each year.

$50 Billion estimated annual spend on largely ineffective treatments.

Lyme Symptoms

Lyme disease is a master of disguise. Even a seemingly minor, but new and persistent symptom may preview other and worse issues in the future.

Review a complete list of symptoms here.


Every day I tap my Lyme Daily. To support that I have access to a full suite of nine proprietary frequency sets designed to complement my Lyme recovery. I try to focus on specific issues and not frequency hop.

– Becky


NIKKI Wellness Technology Wearable

NIKKI Wellness Wearable

$999 USD

NIKKI Lyme Suite of Frequencies

Lyme Programs Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Lyme Programs?

The Lyme Programs of Frequencies is available for the NIKKI personal frequency delivery system. This special suite of frequencies are designed to optimize cellular communication and stimulate biological competency. It offers a safe and non-invasive approach to accelerating recovery and complementing other modalities.

What does the Lyme Programs deliver?

Why should I try the Lyme Programs?

Has NIKKI launched a new Lyme Daily Program Bundle?


Click images to enlarge.

Lyme Time Podcast


Hear Stephen Davis in a NIKKI +Lyme technology discussion with Ali White of The Tick Chicks.



Hear experts Dr. John Amaral and Dr. Keith Pyne explain the science of Wellness Technology.



Hear Stephen Davis in a bioenergetic technology discussion with Alexandra Moresco and Matt

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Consistency and patience are key to getting the greatest benefits from your Lyme Programs. Make sure you use Lyme Daily and then select a couple of support programs to focus on. Remember, don’t frequency hop.

FUNDING FOR LIFE IS ASKING FOR YOUR SUPPORT. People struggling with Lyme disease struggle with multiple debilatating symptoms daily. The health services required to help them are financially out of reach for many. Help us help them! CLICK HERE