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Episode 27: Justin Frandson 

Getting grounded: Saving your health from EMFs

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Show Notes:

Justin Frandson is an Athleticism Performance Coach, author and Founder of both and He does nerve and fascia work and treats concussions, working with amateur and professional athletes for the past two decades. He determined that the athletes he coached were suffering from excessive levels of EMF. Over a decade ago, Justin discovered the waveform difference between natural and human-created electromagnetic radiation in the form of smartwatches, wireless earbuds, electric cars and more. He set about finding a way to provide EMF protection. Today, his Grounding and Faraday Bags are featured at many doctors clinics across North America. the Grounding Bags contain hand-mined crystals with moisture and magnetic properties inside of them to ground and repel EMF and induce deeper sleep.

Grounding is the term used to describe being in direct contact with the earth and its natural electromagnetic energy. In discussion with Bioenergetics Beat Heather Gray, Justin describes how while the devices we have developed are essential to progress, they put us and our health at odds with nature. He points to the NIKKI frequency delivery system as an important step in providing EMF protection, with the ability to disable EMF once the watch is downloaded from the app. Grounding Bags are sold through doctor clinics across the country.


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