Mold is alive
Mold is a living organism that is not easy to remove. Except for non-porous surfaces, a rag and bleach just won’t do it. The water in liquid solutions may even make it worse and drive the mold deeper. The best way to permanently get rid of mold is to change the environment it thrives in.
Mold needs damp and humid conditions to grow, along with food. Wallpaper, wood and carpet are popular mold menu items. Porous materials pose a real mold removal problem. The drywall may have to come down or the carpet may have to go, but think of it as a chance to open up the living area or install the wood floors you always wanted!
Mold can ruin your health
Mold can cut a wide swath through a healthy body; causing burning and watery eyes, rash, runny nose, sneezing, itching, coughing, wheezing, difficulty breathing, headache, and fatigue. Long exposure to mold reduces immunity and increases vulnerability to other and perhaps more serious issues. People who have asthma or are allergic to mold may have severe reactions. Mold can lead to lung infection in the immune-compromised or individuals who have chronic lung disease. Mold-induced pneumonia and death may be uncommon but are not unheard of.
Let’s step outside
One way to determine if you have mold in your home is to spend some time away from it. If you feel better on your vacation, it may as much to do with the environment you’re leaving as the one you’re visiting. We may be able to just put up with some of the lesser symptoms mold can create. Headaches, sniffles and mild fatigue are annoying, but may not be enough to signal a pending health crisis. Of course, if everyone in the household is experiencing the same symptoms, and they go away or diminish at work or school, it may be time to find out if mold is the culprit.
The mold-Lyme connection
Mold illness and Lyme disease have something in common: they both defy effective diagnosis. Many of the symptoms are the same; from brain fog to respiratory issues.
Doctors often assume that the health issues mold and Lyme cause are psychosomatic. Mold illness causes extreme inflammation, and paired with Lyme disease, makes symptoms worse. Both mold illness and Lyme disease disrupt the immune system. The same protective response that fights pathogens goes into overdrive; executing a random attack on heathy as well as unhealthy cells.
Glutathione and the inside story
There are many proven and proposed cures for health issues caused by mold. One of the best doesn’t come in a bottle or a tube or involve an exchange at the pharmacy cash register. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant made in the liver and found in every cell in the body. Low glutathione levels weaken the immune system and lay the foundation for chronic illness. Among many other things, glutathione is responsible for making DNA, supporting immune function, regenerating C and E vitamins, transporting mercury out of the brain and helping the liver and gallbladder deal with fats. Spinach, avocado, asparagus, cauliflower, cabbage and whey are good sources of glutathione. To healthy levels of glutathione add a sulphur-rich diet quality sleep and exercise.
Add NIKKI to a mold-illness recovery regime
NIKKI is a bioenergetic wearable designed to restore and optimize cellular function. This includes efficient sourcing of nutrients such as glutathione made in the body and provided by proper diet and supplements. If you are suffering the symptoms of mold illness, consider adding NIKKI to your recovery regimen.

Prevent mold
Mold and moisture go hand in hand. Keep humidity levels in your home as low as you can and no higher than 50% around-the-clock. Be sure the air in your home flows freely: good ventilation is essential. Finally, repair leaks in your home’s roof, walls, or plumbing so mold does not have moisture to grow.
Remove mold
There are any number of liquids and sprays designed to remove mold on non-porous surfaces. Simple hydrogen peroxide, white vinegar and bleach still rank among the best. Any of these along with a sponge and toothbrush will work just fine. But when it comes to organic materials such as drywall, wood and carpet, it’s not so easy and removing the mold may mean removing the materials it calls home. At worst, removing moldy carpet may reveal a moldy wood floor underneath.
Recover from mold
Nasal sprays, antihistamines and oral decongestants can help but may also bring on side effects such as headache, insomnia anxiety and loss of appetite. You might consider salt therapy Salt therapy can also help you relax and may help with skin conditions and allergies. And remember that NIKKI supports the body’s natural path to healing, without invasive procedures, drugs or side effects.
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