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Repair, Refurbishment, Replacement Parts

How to send in my WAVE 1 for repairs or to order wrist straps or charging cables


Beyond your One Year Limited Warranty, a Battery Replacement is $100, a Repair is $500, and a Refurbishment of Technical Hardware is $750. All prices include return shipping & handling to Canada or the US. *All prices are in USD* 

Outbound shipping expenses are the responsibility of the sending party.

Please contact for required customs information prior to sending.

Send device to:

Fremedica Technologies
Attention: Miriam Cloutier
#201 895 Station Ave
Victoria, BC   Canada
V9B 2S2

Accessories – Please contact to order replacement straps or cords

Charging Cord – USB Data Cord (W1CD-Cable) $20 USD. Includes shipping & handling to Canada and the US only

Replacement Straps – Order includes one strap (Medium or Large only available) $20 USD per strap. Includes shipping & handling to Canada and the US only.

Payment Process

Once an order is placed through an invoice will be emailed. Items will be shipped upon receipt of payment.

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