A program designed to enhance adrenal function.

A program designed to support anti-inflammatory, immunity and nervous system repair functions.

A program designed to stabilize and optimize the sleep-wake cycle and counter restlessness.

A program designed for those with low histamine resistance.

A program designed to relieve the pressures of travel, and ease adaptation to new conditions.

A program designed to support illness resistance and repair and boost an immune response to ineffective organisms.

Start your day with the NIKKI Morning Bundle of our Travel, Pain + Inflammation, and Stress + Anxiety Programs.

A midday switch to the NIKKI Afternoon Bundle gives you our Energy, Virus + Bacteria, and Stress + Anxiety Programs.

The NIKKI Evening Bundle is designed to wind down your day with our Immune, Pain + Inflammation, and Stress + Anxiety Programs.
NIKKI Wellness Technology is designed to make life better through bioenergetics. Any life. Which of the lifestyles described below is closest to yours?

Robert is a competitive triathlete. He’s 27 years old and lives in Boulder. He’s been doing middle-distance events in Colorado for just over two years. His best local time to date is 6:12 and with his high-altitude training, he hopes to break six minutes this year at the half in Florida. Robert’s ambition is to run the Ironman in Hawaii before his thirtieth birthday. So far, he’s spent over $12,000 on equipment and entry fees including the NIKKI he paid $299 for.
The NIKKI is a recent purchase and already an important addition to Robert’s gear bag.
Sleep, Energy, Pain and Stress + Anxiety are the program Robert uses most. He used to get nervous the day before an event and it made him tired on the day. Night-Time is designed to wake him up relaxed and looking forward to the event and a possible podium. From dawn till the end of the competition, Robert has NIKKI on his wrist with Energy selected.
After the trophies are handed out, Robert taps his Pain program and then selects Sleep an hour before he goes to bed.

Angela is a highly celebrated documentary film-maker. At 35, she has received two Academy Award nominations and is acclaimed for the humanitarian themes of her work. Immune-compromised Angela grew up health-challenged and on an extensive regimen of prescription pills and drugs.
Today, Angela’s work takes her around the world and across time zones to isolated locations and on a demanding, ever-changing schedule. She lives constantly under the pressure of deadlines and the challenges of accommodating different cultures, climates and foods. Angela owns several NIKKIs and often wears two at a time.
The program she uses most are Immune, Travel, Energy and Sleep. At a recent wrap party and with enthusiastic critic reception for her latest project, Angela gave every member of her crew their own NIKKI.

When Irene isn’t in her garden, she’s hiking trails of wildflowers with her Labradoodle, Larry.
Before NIKKI, Irene paid with her health for time she spent with her plants. She suffered from itchy eyes, sneezing and fatigue brought on by her allergies. Progress on her English Country Garden was slow and painful and she spent more time dreaming about her passion than living it. NIKKI has changed all that, and with Allergies selected on her wearable she’s good for hours in the Hydrangea and no longer fears fields of Bloom during her walks with Larry.
Irene also relies on her Energy and Stress+Anxiety program and selects Sleep before she goes to bed so she can wake up ready for the day ahead.

Tanya’s earliest and fondest memories are of camping with her parents. Growing up in the outdoors led to working in the outdoors, and she became an entomologist. She was d in a remote research project when ironically, a tick turned up in her tent and Tanya found herself a victim of Lyme disease. Lyme put her life on hold and drained her bank account as she struggled to find a cure.
Enter NIKKI wearable technology and a return to the life she knew before Lyme. Everyday Tanya consistency uses her Lyme Daily Program Bundle.
With patience, Tanya is still finding her way back to normal and also relies on the Lyme Support Suite.

Riley was one of the first to climb on the NIKKI “Be Better. Do Better.” Bandwagon. For the first couple of months he tried all the programs.
Over time he realized that a pattern was emerging and he was consistently using the same frequency sets at various times of the day. It was time to shift to the new Bundles of NIKKI Programs, with the most popular time-of-day programs combined for Morning, Afternoon and Evening. Of course, Riley taps Sleep before his head hits the pillow at night.

Sean’s day starts the night before when he goes to sleep to prepare for it. He selects Sleep on his NIKKI about an hour before he goes to bed. The Sleep program is designed to help recovery from trauma brought on by daytime issues. Stress, pain, fatigue for example. He wakes up refreshed and ready to go.
First thing when he gets up is charge his NIKKI, then chose a program depending on the kind of day he’s going to have. He might choose Stress+Anxiety if it’s an investor meeting or getting together with the engineering team.
Mid-afternoon, he’ll switch to Energy and take the upper hand in the last meeting of the day! Sean travels a lot and uses the NIKKI Travel program. It’s designed to boost immunity and help with jet lag, diet issues and adapting to cultural changes.

NIKKI Wellness Programs are designed to help with allergiessleeppainenergystress
With NIKKI on your wrist, you unlock the power of Wellness Technology to optimize your health and wellbeing.