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Immunity: It’s complicated

All we ask is for our immune system to protect us from whatever is out there, should it find its way inside. Unfortunately, it’s not quite that simple. The immune system is complex, fragile, imperfect, and not always a friend. Our immune system is not immune to glitches that may make things worse, so we must do everything we can to keep it in line and functioning at the top of its game.

What it is and how immunity works

Think of a community of organs, white blood cells, proteins, chemicals, and even our skin working together to protect the neighborhood, first, by keeping unwelcome visitors out and second, by dealing with them quickly and effectively when they slip inside. The immune system is designed to identify and close the door to strangers, including harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites. If germs get in, the immune system develops antibodies that guard against a repeat invasion. We’re born with a high degree of innate immunity. Acquired immunity results from the system becoming familiar with attackers and setting up defenses to prevent a next time. Vaccines also play an essential part in creating acquired immunity.

Immunity gets turned on.

The immune system launches a multi-pronged attack at the first sign of a foreign invader’s attack. The first line of defense is your innate immune system. Physical barriers go up, including the skin, respiratory tract lining, tears, sweat, and saliva. Next, an on-call army of cells and proteins goes into action, regardless of the pathogen. White blood cells are called in for support. Inflammation starts the healing process, and hopefully, that marks the end of the battle.

Immunity has a backup team.

If the invasion is overwhelming and the germs multiply too quickly, an adaptive immune response will join the battle. Imagine it like calling in the Navy Seals or an NFL Special Team. Reinforcements called dendritic cells move in to attack specific pathogens. They capture the enemies and carry them to the lymph nodes, where antibodies designed to overcome them come into play. To summarize, plan A presents a counter-attack designed to fend off any assault. If that isn’t enough, the immunity process gets personal, and Plan B identifies the particular characteristics of the pathogen and develops weapons targeted to defeat it.

Sometimes, immunity goes rogue.

Two things that now and then go too far to protect us are pain and immunity. The same pain that flags an issue often persists after the issue is resolved and the threat to our health is over. In the same way, the immune system is occasionally over-eager in protecting us against germs. Imagine it as a war with extensive collateral damage. The cells sent to fight the condition cannot distinguish between the invaders and the home team. The cause of autoimmune disease is elusive, but certain medications, genes, viruses, and bacterial infections are thought to play a role in common autoimmune diseases, including several forms of arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and inflammatory bowel disease. Finally, autoimmunity is sexist. It’s more common among women than men.

Keep immunity under control.

For the most part, a healthy immune system is a byproduct of a healthy lifestyle. There are few surprises in this 10-point list:

  • Get enough sleepat the very least 6 hours a night.
  • Eat more whole plant foods … visit the garden.
  • Eat more healthy fats … enjoy your avocado.
  • Eat more fermented foods … or take a probiotic supplement
  • Limit added sugars … taste the sweet benefits of sugar-free.
  • Engage in exercise … it doesn’t have to be a marathon; a walk will do.
  • Stay hydrated … hardly anyone drinks enough water.
  • Manage your stress levels … easier said than done, but try.
  • Supplement wisely … and cautiously with a doctor’s advice.
  • Get a NIKKI … the perfect complement to everything else.

Do an immunity check.

There are many ways to measure your immunity medically, but there are some simple clues to look for. For one thing, attitude. Feeling constantly alert and up for a laugh is a good sign that your immune system is OK. Also, keep an eye on how fast you heal from an injury or an illness. If you rebound quickly, that’s a big “thumbs up” for your immune system.

Get your immune system a NIKKI.

The bioenergetics-based and wearable NIKKI is designed to support healthy immunity by going to the core of the cellular network to restore and maintain proper cell function and response. It’s the cherry on top of an intelligent immunity regimen.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I boost immunity, especially during the cold and flu season?

To boost your immune system during the cold and flu season, focus on a well-balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, get adequate sleep, and engage in regular physical activity. These habits help your body fight off infections more effectively. Additionally, maintaining good hygiene like frequent handwashing is crucial during this time.

What are some effective immune system boosters?

Effective immune system boosters include eating healthy foods rich in essential nutrients, engaging in regular physical activity, and ensuring you get enough vitamin C through your diet. Foods like citrus fruits, bell peppers, and broccoli are great sources of vitamin C, which is vital for immune health.

Can a healthy diet improve immune function?

Yes, a healthy diet plays a crucial role in improving immune function. Incorporating a variety of healthy foods, especially those rich in antioxidants and nutrients, supports immune cells and their ability to protect the body. Foods like leafy greens, nuts, and berries are excellent choices.

How does chronic stress impact immune systems?

Chronic stress can negatively impact immune systems by reducing immune function and making the body more susceptible to infections. To minimize stress and enhance immunity, consider stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation, or even regular exercise.

What lifestyle changes can I make to boost my immune system naturally and reduce the risk of heart disease?

To boost your immune system naturally and reduce the risk of heart disease, focus on maintaining a well-balanced diet, getting adequate sleep, staying physically active, and managing stress effectively. These lifestyle changes not only enhance immunity but also promote overall heart health.