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Episode 3: Steve King 


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Show Notes:

Bioenergetics engineer Steve King exposes the hazards posed by electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that surround us and explains the importance of deactivating wireless connectivity when it’s not in use.

Steve elaborates on the nature and sources of EMFs, both natural and man-made. You’ll discover how even your coil-spring mattress may disrupt your sleep quality and why considering a wooden bed frame could be beneficial. Steve provides guidance on fortifying your living space against EMFs for improved well-being.

Explore the bioenergetics-based NIKKI, designed for delivering specific frequencies to enhance cellular function, thereby promoting better health and performance.

Listen to Steve’s account of how he effectively managed a knee injury using NIKKI and utilized the on/off feature of wireless connectivity to mitigate the impact of EMFs.


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Heather Gray: Thank you everyone for joining us today for another awesome episode of bioenergetic beats I’m Heather Gray, functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner and certified bioenergetic practitioner, and this episode is brought to you by NIKKI unleash the wellness within it’s a non-invasive, easily affordable and highly effective approach to optimize wellness. It’s a wearable device that puts frequency-based better line in your hands and on your wrist. And today we’ve got an awesome, awesome conversation with a very interesting gentleman. We’re going to be diving deep into EMFs and why should we care? And how does the way we treat EMFs with our, our, uh, our device different than other ones out there on the market. And again, why should we care? So let’s everyone give a warm welcome.

Heather Gray: Hey, we’d love to find out, you are actually part of the FREMedica team. I’d love to learn a little bit more about you. How did you get involved in FREMedica and how did you get involved talking about frequencies and EMFs and all that fun stuff?

Steve King: Yeah, so I’ve been into biohacking since I was a kid, basically. I tried to build my own TDCS machine, like a brain hacking machine, when I was 12. It didn’t really work. But that’s how long I’ve been interested in this stuff.

Heather Gray: Your brain? Was there any sort of weird side effects from your experiment?

Steve King: Yeah, I got some burns on my forehead. I didn’t know enough about electronics back then. I do now, but.

Heather Gray: That’s pretty awesome.

Steve King: Yeah, it’s been kind of a lifelong interest. I studied engineering in school, electromechanical control systEMFs and then shifting into environmental engineering, with a focus on the control systEMFs for

Steve King: water treatment systEMFs, building energy efficiency, all sorts of stuff, but I always had that biomedical, biotech, biohacking interest in the kind of in the back of my mind. I got working with a couple of other companies, and we get into some interesting biohacking technology, and it was my connection through that how I actually met Stephen, and then once I left that other company I was able to join WaveForce, FREMedica, and start working on this amazing technology. So it’s been a bit of a circuitous route, but I got where I needed to be.

Heather Gray: That’s awesome. And isn’t it always like, it’s never a straight shot where we end up like. Yeah. I still laugh how I ended up here. I’m an entrepreneur. I don’t ask to go work for other people, but I just, once I had Steven on my podcast, I was like, I’ve got to be a part of this.

Steve King: Yep, yep. Much the same story with me.

Heather Gray: Let’s dive in a little deeper like what let’s start off with first question. What are EMFS?

Steve King: Yeah. Okay. So EMFs, electromagnetic fields, they’re invisible waves of energy. So if you imagine kind of like you drop a stone in a pond, you get little ripples on the surface. But it’s like that, except that there’s two of them that are perpendicular. So if you imagine it’s kind of like lines of latitude and longitude on the earth, they kind of ripple out, but at 90 degrees to each other. And when they intersect things, for example, a magnetic field intersects a wire that induces a current and vice versa. You put an electric field across a wire, it makes a magnetic field. That’s how motors and generators work.

Heather Gray: Gotcha, can you tell us a little bit more about that?

Steve King: Basically, anytime you’ve got electrical devices, they emit these fields constantly, and normally that’s not really a problem, except that sometimes it is, because I mentioned conductive wires, well, our bodies are conductive as well, and this is where some of the problem comes in.

Heather Gray: So there’s difference between natural EMFs and man-made EMFs. And I know that’s part of the problem that we have with a lot of these devices and a lot of this technology out there. So can you, can you go a little bit into that?

Steve King: Absolutely, yeah. So for the vast majority of the history of the earth, there was only natural EMFs. For example, there’s an EMF constantly on the Earth called the Schumann resonance, and it’s 7.83 hertz, and this is caused by basically the sum total of all of the electric fields of all the lightning strikes at any point in time bouncing between the surface of the earth and part of the atmosphere called the ionosphere, and it kind of averages out to this single resonance frequency, which interestingly enough corresponds to one of our own brain states called the alpha state. And we were just bathed in this for the vast majority of human history, and it’s only been in the past century and a bit that we’ve had anything else, and now all these other fields are kind of drowning it out.

Steve King: You’ve got your power lines, you’ve got your computer, microwave oven, all these different devices, Wi-Fi, 5G, all that stuff.

Heather Gray: That’s crazy. And that was, that was explained beautifully. Like I don’t think I’ve ever heard that tied together in such an eloquent way. Thank you. You’re welcome. So I know that one of the difference between natural EMFs and non-natural EMFs is that natural EMFs

Heather Gray: I’m going to get it confused. Hopefully you can help me out. One of them goes one way, right? And then the other one is more dissipated, right? So it’s the natural ones that are more dissipated, kind of like the- Yeah, because they’re all around us. The ripples in the pond where unnatural EMFs or the man-made ones with our devices, they’re very single focused, right? So they’re kind of like bombarding us.

Steve King: One of them goes- I’ll do my best.

Steve King: Yeah, because they’re all around us.

Steve King: Yeah, it’s like the difference between ambient sunlight and a spotlight from over here, like one is very directional. That may not be like as much contributing to some of the issues as other things, but there’s definitely a difference. Yeah, you’re absolutely right about that.

Heather Gray: So then that would be the, is there a difference between good EMFs and bad EMFs? So you were just saying that the Schumann resonance, you know- That’s a good EMF. Yeah, it’s the same as the alpha. And we all know that manifestation, amazing things happen when we can reach that alpha. So obviously there is good and bad EMFs.

Steve King: Yes. Yeah. And even medically, there’s definitely good EMFs. For example, pulsed EMF treatment has been used for several decades now for helping bones to heal better, to help skin heal better. There’s other different frequencies, of course, like our frequency technology. That’s examples of good frequencies, good EMFs that we’re putting in. And then there’s bad EMFs, which come across from badly designed power circuits, improperly shielded devices, being too close to power lines, things like that.

Heather Gray: smart devices and the smart homes. And now we’ve got the smart cars. Like it’s crazy and what it’s doing to people’s health. So you even say, and just in the last century, we didn’t have all these man-made type EMFs. There’s just been so much to like tied together with how much our diet has changed in the last three, two. So, so much as we have so many health issues these days between the man-made EMFs and then the improper diet. So what can we do to kind of help protect ourselves from some of these harmful EMFs?

Steve King: Smart meters and yeah.

Steve King: Oh, yeah. So much.

Steve King: we should look at how it affects people. So, for example, some people it affects them far more than others. I’m rather hypersensitive to it, not during the day so much, but if I’ve got like Wi-Fi on or a device on at night, I just get a terrible, terrible sleep. I’ve got my Oura Ring here and I’m tracking my sleep for years. There is a noticeable difference in my sleep quality, whereas my wife, doesn’t affect her at all. She can leave her phone on next to her head all night, doesn’t affect her. It affects me, but not her. So there’s different approaches to how you would mitigate it, depending on how it’s affecting you. So in that example, what I do is we turn off Wi-Fi at night. We turn off any wireless devices, phones, iPad, whatever else.

Steve King: We generally don’t sleep with even a fan on, unless it’s just painfully hot. Just again, mitigate the fields coming off of that. We don’t have any other devices charging in our bedroom, things like that. So, those are a few things that you can do. It’s kind of like getting some separation from the causative devices, I guess.

Heather Gray: Absolutely. I found that with a lot of the lab testing that I do for folks, there’s definitely a genetic component to those of us that actually makes us more susceptible, more sensitive to EMFs than others. And that’s part of the reason why you see this kind of clustering together with people with chronic illness that also have issues with EMFs, but they’re also going to be the ones that have issues with mold and are more susceptible to Lyme because they just have these genetics that kind of set thEMFselves up for this storm, right? So, lucky us!

Steve King: Indeed.

Heather Gray: Welcome back, everybody, to the second half of Bioenergetics Beat. Today, we’re diving deep into EMFs with Mr. Steve King, who is with us here on the FREMedica team, and we’ve talked about the difference between natural EMFs and man-made EMFs and kind of some of the ways that we could do to mitigate it. I was going to go a little further because I love how you talked about shutting your Wi-Fi off at night. You know, the first person I ever heard about doing that was from Dr. Klinghart like 10 years ago when I was in my Lyme journey talking about how these Wi-Fis at night kind of supercharge these bugs, and if you’re really wanting to get better, just shut your Wi-Fi off at night. So I struggle like when I go to a bed in, you know, an Airbnb or a hotel or something, something I don’t have like that control where I can shut it off, because I definitely notice the difference in my sleep, right? And I love that when you talked about moving electronic devices out of the room, right, like you’ve got to put your phone in your room, make sure it’s on airplane mode, like all these things that we can do to kind of help mitigate because there’s a lot of areas in our life that we don’t have control over, right?

Steve King: One other thing that I wanted to mention about that is. I’m not a big fan of coil spring mattresses.

Steve King: And not just because they’re, you know, like one person moves, the other person kind of bounces too. They, they can act like antennas. Like if you’ve got strong EMF sources near your bed, you’re radiating it back out. And I just, I don’t like that. I prefer latex or memory foam or almost, almost anything.

Steve King: Other than coil spring but I don’t have a lot of EMF point sources anywhere close to my bedroom so it’s actually has not been an issue for us but if people have these these point sources nearby that could that’s definitely a concern, I would say.

Heather Gray: And I usually try to stay away from the memory foam because of the off-gassing on those. I mean, those are even actually like not allowed in certain countries in the United States because just how toxic the off-gassing can be. So watch out with the memory foam. But no, that was a great. What about like the bed frames itself? Because I was noticing that my bed frame was actually metal and so I ended up ditching it and right now my mattress is just on the floor. Like what’s a good non-conductor of electricity as a bed frame? What do you use?

Steve King: Wood is good. Yeah, I’ve got a wooden bed frame, so that’s…

Heather Gray: Yeah, I’ve been meaning to replace that, but yeah, I was noticing bad nights again, and I was looking at that metal frame going again.

Heather Gray: Huh, I wonder.

Heather Gray: So great, I don’t need that.

Heather Gray: What are some of the benefits that we can actually use EMFs for like we kind of got into the Schumann residence We just tapped into our device. Can we go deeper into you know, PMFs like you were just that’s like this I’ve yeah good things that the right kind of EMFs can do for us

Steve King: So there’s this concept called a biological window, where within that window EMFs affect us, outside of it they generally don’t. There are certain frequencies that kind of mimic what our bodies are already doing, and those are able to be used for healing. You mentioned PEMF. One of the earliest use cases of that was for helping bones to heal better. So our bones are basically crystalline, like there’s a piezoelectric effect with our bones, and by applying certain EMFs at certain frequencies to bones, we can actually speed up the healing. So that’s a really good example of a beneficial effect. There’s other effects people can use for reducing inflammation, accelerating healing, stuff like that. Again, EMFs. And then

Steve King: The frequencies that we use, that’s a different kind, you have to look at, when people talk about frequency, they could mean two different things. They can mean the wavelength or they can mean the pulse modulation.

Steve King: So, for example, the wavelength of light, that determines the color. And also in other cases, whether it’s visible, whether it’s infrared or ultraviolet. Whereas pulse modulation is actually like blinking. Like the wavelength doesn’t change, but the amplitude changes.

Steve King: Yeah, there’s different frequencies that we can use with that, different EMFs that we can use for beneficial effects. We talked about the Schumann resonance as being in alignment with the alpha brainwaves. There’s other technology. I mentioned a TDCS, transcranial direct current stimulation. That was my brain zapper. That’s used to help synchronize brainwaves to an external signal, a frequency. That’s used for helping to calm people down, even in helping to sleep, people for improving focus, things like that. So those are all examples of EMFs applied in a very particular way to achieve a beneficial effect.

Heather Gray: Is that the same thing as neurofeedback?

Steve King: Generally, no. I mean, it could be. For example, our brains don’t have the ability to perceive the EMFselves, so to speak.

Steve King: Neurofeedback, we put sensors on our heads, and that allows us to measure brain activity, electrical activity in the brain, and then give some sort of a feedback response. Maybe it’s a visualization on a screen, maybe it’s an audio tone or music in your ear, and then you can adapt yourself. Generally, that’s not putting EMFs back in, because I would basically drown out the signal, because the signals that the EEG is picking up… Very, very weak. So if you were to put a signal back in as a kind of a corrective thing, it would basically wash out the signal is measuring, so you could do that, you just have to flip back and forth.

Steve King: But I don’t know of anyone doing that, so.

Heather Gray: And so what was the machine that you were working with trying to accomplish?

Steve King: That, so the TDCS machine? Yeah, that was just putting a signal in. I was trying to work on either sleep induction or relaxation. There was no feedback mechanism. It was just, I press a button and it injects a signal and that entrains my brainwaves to… make me fall asleep. Uh, actually it was based on something I saw back to the future part two, I believe, the sleep inducing device, I was trying to build one of those.

Heather Gray: Oh, that’s awesome. That actually sounds a lot like, right, this little gadget here. Yes, that’s generations apart. There’s our feedback, right? We just press a button and it’s delivering frequencies. Exactly. And we’ve got no sleep frequencies, so to help with that. So how incredible is that? So no, you’re like a perfect fit for this company. It totally makes sense. You were doing that at the age of, what’d you say, 12? 12. That’s insane. That’s awesome. Yeah.

Steve King: Yes, I’m in it.

Steve King: Yes, that’s generations apart.

Steve King: Twelve. Twelve.

Steve King: 30 years ago.

Heather Gray: I’m like, yeah, we won’t go, we won’t go into that. I’m gonna leave that one alone. So yeah, that’s actually a perfect segment. So how are our frequencies delivered and how are we using EMFs, you know, with the NIKKI type thing? And how is that benefiting people in their everyday life?

Steve King: Yeah, so our frequencies are delivered with light, which is still an EMF, but it’s not what people think about. Yeah, there you go. Not what people typically think about with like pulsing magnetic fields or whatever. It is like, yeah, you’ve got mine on there. I’ve got my wave one here and I’m all geared up. Yeah, there’s different programs people can use and our technology, the technology, it’s all delivering with light. So it avoids some of the downsides, I guess you could say, with how it interacts with cells.

Steve King: Do you want to go a little bit into the science of how it affects on a cellular level?

Heather Gray: Absolutely, absolutely.

Steve King: So, I’ll try not to get too geeky sciency here, but just, you know, stop me if I am. So, we are basically electrochemical machines. You may have heard reference to our cells as being like little batteries. And that’s definitely true to a case like, for example, like the mitochondria. That’s exactly what they are. They’re batteries that charge, discharge, charge, discharge. And that’s what powers us. The cells thEMFselves are more like a more complicated electronic device. And they’ve got receptors on them, or kind of like antennae, that they’ve got a membrane, which has an electrical potential across it. So, basically, the voltage is different on the inside versus the outside. And exposure to EMFs can really mess with that. It can disrupt the electrical potentials. It can mess with the signaling of a certain receptor, you know, certain receptor points.

Steve King: And that’s how cells communicate, that’s how they regulate themselves. So, the impacts of these EMFs, whether it’s high power, whether it’s low power like wireless, it can cause negative effects on cells. Much of the research into are EMFs harmful, are they not? Has been on SAR studies. And I’ve got a couple of links I can share for the show notes, but that’s looking at thermal effects. That’s not looking at electric potential effects or cellular communications or ion channel disruptions, things like that. So…

Steve King: Our technology uses light instead of electric fields or magnetic fields or electrical impulses, things like that, and that fits a little bit better with how the cells function naturally. Are you familiar with the concept of biophotons?

Heather Gray: I have. It’s been fascinating because you can actually see pictures, right, of plants, you know, the difference between organic plants and non-organic plants and all these cool little pictures of these, you know, the light that these life beings are emitting, right, because of these biophotons. But yes, dive deeper into that.

Steve King: Yeah, so one of my favorite quotes about this, again, showing off my nerd side here is from Yoda from Star Wars, luminous beings are we, not not this crude flesh. It’s right. I mean, with a sensitive enough detector, you can actually record, you can actually see light coming off of our bodies, out of our cells. And that’s part of how they communicate.

Steve King: Healthy cells, unhealthy cells, they react differently. There are different effects on these photon emissions depending on the health of the body. Did you ever, when you were a kid, did you ever play the game telephone?

Heather Gray: No. Okay, so I’ve heard it.

Steve King: Okay, so the basic gist of that is you got a group of kids, and one person whispers a message to the next person, who then repeats it to the next person, and so on and so forth. And by the end of the line, the message is usually hilariously garbled. That’s kind of how our cells work. The more coherent the emissions of these biophotons, the more coherent the message, and the more cohesive and coherent the functioning of the cells as a whole, the cells as a whole, that’s our body.

Steve King: By using light instead of magnetic fields, for example, we’re kind of overriding or providing a stronger coherent signal to the cells, which helps reinforce and boost the signal that gets propagated out from cell to cell. And that’s more in line with how the cells naturally function. So it’s more readily accepted, if you want to say that.

Heather Gray: It’s beautiful. What are some of the health benefits that you’ve experienced personally since kind of using this type of technology?

Steve King: Yeah, so, uh, probably the, the most dramatic example is last September it was, yeah, almost a year ago, I just wrecked my knee. I’m not exactly sure how it happened, but there was a very loud snapping, popping sound, and then I went over sideways in just blinding pain. I tore something, ripped, I don’t know what exactly the full extent was, but I couldn’t move. I couldn’t walk. I couldn’t bend my knee. And I had ice on it, sure, and I had tensor bandage, whatever. But just running the (NIKKI) pain program and the anti-inflammatory program I’ve got on my Wave 1 I was up and walking again within three days.

Steve King: That was September 15th or so. Yeah. So Halloween. So about six weeks later, I was taking my daughter trick-or-treating and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a deer walking down my street, and I’m like, oh, that’s interesting. And well, our neighbor’s dog saw it too. And she slipped off her leash, slipped away from her owner and just went tearing off after this deer.

Steve King: And so the two of them are tearing up down the street, towards a fairly busy four lane road. I’m like, no, no, no, not on my watch. So I just took off running and I was like sprinting down the street. And I caught the dog safely, so we’re all good.

Steve King: But afterwards, I’m like, wait a minute, that was risky of me. I’ve been wearing a knee brace every day for six weeks so I could walk properly again, and I just first day not wearing it and I’m running and chasing dogs and deer. So, um, yeah, I was blown away by how quickly I got better from that. Uh, because otherwise I was looking at surgery. Uh, I don’t know if it was like, uh, what’s the word I’m looking for?

Heather Gray: torn meniscus or ACL. Yeah.

Steve King: Yeah, yeah, ACL, that was, thank you. Yeah, because that, I didn’t go for an MRI or anything like that, but the clinic I did see say it was definitely something along those lines, but it recovered all by itself with no after effects and the only thing I did was pain relief. I said ice and a tensor bandage on it for a few days, but that’s all I did.

Heather Gray: That’s crazy. So the movie back to the future to inspired you to do the sleep stuff. So do you have sleep issues and how’s the NIKKI help with that?

Steve King: So yeah, I definitely have sleep issues. There was a time for almost a couple of years when I literally couldn’t sleep without sleep supplements and sleeping pills. There was a product on the market called Udream available here in Canada and it worked amazing. Like I took one of those and I was out like a light within 20 minutes. Best sleep I’ve ever had.

Steve King: Well, unfortunately it got pulled off the market because there was contaminants in it that just happened to be pharmaceutical sleep drugs. So I bought up all of the stock I could find. I cleared out Amazon, I cleared out the local stores, but when that ran out, I couldn’t sleep. There was about three days when I had no sleep. I was literally awake for three days because no matter what I tried, I couldn’t sleep. Yeah, I’ve had sleep problems. I’ve got melatonin. I’ve got GABA. I’ve got magnesium. I’ve got my sleep stack kind of dialed in for my supplements.

Steve King: But as far as the NIKKI

Steve King: During the day, I run Energy unless I have reason to run like pain or something like that, but Energy during the day, and then after I’m done work, switch it over to stress and anxiety, and that just chills me right out. And that helps me ease into a bedtime routine and restful sleep very, very well. And then first thing in the morning, back on Energy.

Heather Gray: That’s incredible. I love it. You know, that’s the one thing we haven’t got to yet. But the one thing that makes our device different compared to other devices is that you can actually turn the EMF part of it off. And so like if we’re downloading a new frequency bundle or package, that’s the only time you need to turn it on. And then after that, you can turn it off. And so it’s never admitting some of those more harmful EMFs, which is a beautiful thing, right? Because it’d be counterproductive. It kills me so many of these people with these Apple watches on and some of these other things that are constantly, because it’s like, it’s a little bit kind of common sense, right? If we know we’re electromagnetic beings, right? We can’t have something strapped to us all the time that is gonna be disrupting our cellular communication without repercussions, right?

Steve King: Yeah. Yeah. I can’t even stand having my phone in the same room as me when I’m sleeping. I couldn’t imagine having something with emissions literally strapped to my body.

Heather Gray: Totally crazy. Well, this has been a really awesome diving deep into EMFs. Is there any like last little final words that you think our people need to know about when it comes to EMFs before we wrap up?

Steve King: If you are sensitive to EMFs, or even if you don’t think you are, try removing them from your immediate vicinity when you’re sleeping. See how you feel.

Steve King: your phone in the other room, put on airplane mode, take all the tech, all the chargers out of your room. If your bed is right next to a power socket in the wall,

Steve King: Try moving it, see how it feels, just experiment. You might find it a really big difference.

Heather Gray: Absolutely. That’s great advice. I didn’t have to go one step further and get me a little device to test for some dirty electricity in my room because I was finding out that there were certain walls that would just stay hot even if the switch was off. So, and I had to move my bed, you know, to a different wall that wasn’t dirty. So that’s a whole nother conversation, but yeah. Definitely something to be aware of. And, you know, so this is your guys’ like entry point into why EMFs are bad. You know, I highly suggest you continue to dig deeper. There’s a lot of amazing information out there. One of my favorite books, what’s it called, The Electric Rainbow? Is that the book? Dive in deeper into the world of EMFs and how it’s progressed and everything that it does on the body. Like it’s been a fascinating reference.

Steve King: My camera’s flipping. It’s cross currents. Yeah. Robert Becker. This is an older book, but that was one of my earliest introductions to the field. And so, I mean, like the idea that EMFs could be harmful, that’s not like a one-off theory or whatever. This goes back decades and the research is proving it out in many, many cases. So.

Heather Gray: Cross-currents, yeah.

Heather Gray: it’s even sad because people don’t even realize that even in their phones there’s warnings right of like the radiation and the emfs and stuff like that like in their own phones but they don’t they you know it’s not readily right there in front of our faces for us easy to find but if we were to dig like there’s warnings on a lot of this stuff out there and it that’s also the thing that kills me is when i see people with like the bluetooth headsets in or you know or the phone directly up to their head oh i i could i could

Steve King: Oh, I could do the headset, but I can’t. I can’t do the phone now. I still use a wired headset. I’m old school.

Heather Gray: I am as well. My computer’s wired. My headsets are wired. I’m the only one at the gym that still everyone’s got the iPods. And I’m the one getting hung up on my wire. But that’s OK. My brain is still going to work in the next 10 years. So that’s great. That’s great. Right. Awesome. Steve, thank you so much for having you on today. It was a pleasure. Thank you for having me. Everybody else, make sure to go check out backslash podcast. And you’ll want to use biobeats for a 10% off if you want to dig deeper into finding out how you can get better sleep, or relief from pain, or support around stress and anxiety, or the travel feature, which we actually didn’t talk about. Maybe we actually, what is our travel feature? And how does that work when it comes to EMFs?

Steve King: You know, I’ve never had opportunity to use that because since the pandemic, I haven’t gone anywhere. But I can say that being, for example, on an airplane, you get exposed to quite a bit there. So that could be very beneficial there. And you mentioned staying in hotels or Airbnbs where you might have exposure to Wi-Fi routers and maybe there’s like an AC unit like with a compressor next to the bed or something like that. There’s all sorts of EMFs you could be exposed to as well as viruses and bacteria and mold and who knows what else they might encounter. So there’s quite a few different programs like the travel program that would help protect against quite a bit of that. I just haven’t had a chance to use it myself. Not yet.

Heather Gray: I gotcha. Makes sense. So yeah, so sorry, I’m backtrack again. So yeah, make sure you go to backslash podcast, use biobeads for that 10% off your next purchase and make sure to like, subscribe and share because if this is the first time you’re kind of hearing about this information, how many other people out there also need to hear this information and that’s the only way it gets done is by you helping us spread the word. So make sure to do that and stay tuned. Have a healthy day.

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