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Episode 41: Dorinda Smith

Bacteria, cells and common sense

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Show Notes:

Dorinda Smith is on a mission to alleviate suffering with the truth that chronic illness is preventable and reversible. She holds a Master’s in Immunology and Environmental Toxicology and a PhD in Autoimmunity. 

​13 years into her career as a research scientist, Dorinda suffered a major life crisis: she was diagnosed with Systemic Sclerosis and Fibromyalgia, and later developed Arthritis, Addison’s Disease, Thyroiditis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Osteopenia, Polymyositis and Lupus antibodies, eventually succumbing to debilitating disability. Dorinda put her career and life’s purpose on hold for over 14 years before she discovered​ the science of Functional Medicine and completely changed her life.​

Dori researched functional medicine for three years with the help of her dedicated team of functional medicine practitioners. She took her learning and formed her company, True Wellness Today to help others regain their and alleviate their suffering. 

In conversation with Bioenergetics Host Heather Gray, Dorinda touches on the root causes of chronic disease, the importance of genetics and the fragility of the complex cell structure that we rely on for good health and an active lifestyle. She discusses good and bad bacteria and cites the diet and lifestyle choices we make as key factors in powering good health.  


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