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Episode 49: Melissa Hall Klepacki

Wellness starts in the gut

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Show Notes:

As a wellness expert dedicated to helping people overcome health challenges and achieve optimal well-being, Melissa Hall Klepacki focuses on finding the root causes of symptoms. Melissa offers personalized programs that combine functional lab testing, nutrition, and lifestyle changes. Her compassionate approach and extensive knowledge empower clients to break free from chronic issues like constipation, fatigue, and brain fog. Through her e-Book “Start Pooping Better”, her Constipation Masterclass, and her GutReset123 Program, Melissa guides individuals on a transformative journey to vibrant health. With her support, clients experience increased energy, lower toxicity levels, and a renewed sense of vitality.

Speaking with Bioenergetics Beat Host Heather Gray, Melissa focuses on the importance of daily bowel movements as the first step in creating an effective detox program, supported by other paths of detoxification including regular urination, good skin care and proper breathing. She lists dehydration, poor nutrition, over-medication and inadequate mineral intake as opponents of detoxification. Melissa also recommends reducing stress through meditation and imagining oneself in a healthy state.  


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