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Episode 55: Trina Felber

Meet the mother of clean beauty

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Show Notes:

Trina Felber is passionate about providing women with a path to radiant beauty that doesn’t destroy their health. As the “the mother of the clean beauty movement” and founder of Primal Life Organics she empowers her followers to achieve lifelong beauty using naturally sourced skincare formulations. Through her coaching, Trina presents a hands-on approach to discovering the benefits of science-backed, practical solutions that enhance not only appearance, but also well-being.

In discussion with Bioenergetics Beat Podcast Host Heather Gray, Trina puts forward the fact that what we put on our body is as important as what we put into it. She notes that the skin is an organ affecting heart, brain and thyroid health in particular. Daily use of so-called skincare and beauty products exposes a woman to as many as 300 adverse chemicals each day, many of which attack the thyroid and reproductive organs. Babies in the womb become lifelong victims of chemical-ridden make-up. Trina talks about how “dead” chemicals lower the body’s frequency and how natural ingredients can raise frequency and optimize cellular function. NIKKI is noted as being highly effective in increasing the absorption of health-and-beauty-giving nutrients.


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