TURNING POINT MOMENT: After 6 months of wearing WAVE 1, I was able to start aerobics again, going for walks, and having longer cooking and baking sessions in the kitchen without tiring. Family members started noticing positive changes too!
My Life With Lyme
My first experience with Lyme started with Bartonella from a cat scratch. This caused face rash and swelling, blurry eyes, nauseous headache, fatigue and body aches. I was barely functioning. I felt uncomfortable going out in public, and didn’t want to be seen. When I see a photo of myself then, I’m reminded of never wanting to return to that place. I was prescribed an aggressive antibiotic program, which didn’t resolve the problem. After 30 days I still had the infection.
My daughter recommended a more natural approach to ward off the infection. I began improving slightly, but still had recurring symptoms. Two years later, the Bartonella and other co-infections decided to use me as their host. Many of my former symptoms resurfaced, where my eyes swelled shut with pustules. I also had lower back pain. I felt and looked awful. My husband then contracted Lyme, as well. For the next 4 years we were both unwell, had low energy and lacked full enthusiasm for life.

My WAVE 1 Experience
I can’t believe how calm I feel most days. My energy level has certainly improved and I have more stamina to face the challenges of an ordinary day. My mental capacity and quality of sleep is so much better!
The Turning Point
I wore WAVE 1 with the initial Lyme Support Program and also shared usage with my husband. I am now using the device every night, at the highest intensity on Detox and Lyme Maintenance with 6 hours for General Wellness. After 6 months of wearing WAVE 1, I was able to start aerobics again, going for walks, and having longer cooking and baking sessions in the kitchen without tiring. Family members started noticing positive changes too!
How I Found FREmedica™
Our daughter used the FREmedica device for many years and encouraged us to purchase.
My Message To Others
My personal advice to anyone considering the purchase of a WAVE 1 is to please take serious consideration. We put off acquiring one because we were tired of searching and trying to find help in different places. We were afraid to spend more money and then be disappointed once again. However, the help I’ve gotten from wearing the device is priceless in terms of improved health.