TURNING POINT MOMENT: After the pain subsided, I slept better and felt like I was part of the world again.
My Life With Lyme
My fight with lyme disease has been 10 years now. I had Lyme for 6 months before I was diagnosed. I took Doxy for the recommended 6 weeks. At the end of the treatment, I saw my doctor again and felt slightly better. My doctor reluctantly prescribed another 6 weeks of Doxy. When I finished that I returned to her office exhibiting a painfully swollen knee. I asked for help and she told me she didn’t believe me that I must have had that before I had Lyme. I had seen her just before the tick bite and had been fine. I was very active and had never had any joint pain or inflammation before. I left defeated and never went back. My symptoms continued to get worse. I managed to find an LLMD who treated me with antibiotics & supplements for 18 months. I had gotten much better but still not recovered. I then tried ACT (Advanced Cell Training) that helped me improve even more with little to no heart palpitations and finally ending years of brain inflammation where I would literally feel the pressure pushing up my scalp. I discontinued ACT when it became too expensive. That’s when I found out about the WAVE 1.

Started Using WAVE 1
January, 2019
My WAVE 1 Experience
Since using the WAVE 1, I have felt true freedom from my chronic illness. My sleep is improved, brain fog has lessened, and I don’t suffer from chronic fatigue. I’ve been more active, going out with my husband, and enjoying life more. I’ve also discovered with the WAVE 1 that I need to detox my body, to help reduce knee pain and stiffness. This makes it possible for me to resume exercising and losing some weight.
For me, I started my WAVE 1 with lower frequencies as suggested and then started working my way up to the higher levels. I also run an additional detoxing at the end of the day.
The Turning Point
I first noticed that my upper body wasn’t stiff and achy. Then muscle pain subsided. A while after that I began sleeping better and when the brain fog started to dissipate, I felt like I was part of the world again.
How I Found FREmedica™
I found out about a free trial with the option to buy on a Facebook page I follow, called The Better Health Guy.
My Message To Others
I can attest to the benefits. The one time cost of the WAVE 1 is well worth it, as it’s far less than than paying for other products/treatments available. The folks at FREmedica have always been helpful anytime I’ve reached out to them. They are wonderful!