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Cor’s Story


TURNING POINT MOMENT: I had many odd, eye-opening experiences. Deep seated emotions emerged after many years.

My Life With Lyme

I actually don’t have Lyme Disease. I’ve had a lot of “autoimmune” issues for 18 years which is likely due to my mitochondrial dysfunction. For me, it’s mostly gut pathogen stuff, debilitating allergies, and severe ulcerative colitis, leading to a sudden colectomy. I basically felt like I would never thrive again.

Started Using WAVE 1

December, 2019

My WAVE 1 Experience

I kept a daily diary of wearing my Wave 1. The first few nights I felt very relaxed, a deep relaxation I haven’t felt in years. I was also nauseous, which I interpreted as a die-off of something in my body. In my subconscious slumber, I could actually feel frequencies emitting from it. Cool! At first, I ramped up slowly according to protocol then graduated to 7 hours a night wearing my WAVE 1 on my inner ankle.

This device is unlike anything else you will try. It’s not an “overnight” cure and you might not feel anything immediate like when you take a pill. In my experience, it is a gentle re-alignment…benefits show up weeks and months later…you say to yourself one day “hey, I DO feel better” or “I was able to do that”.

The Turning Point

I wore WAVE 1 every night for 90 days straight… and then kept going. Our bodies take time to re-wire and align. I had many odd and eye-opening things happen when wearing the device. Too many experiences to list, but definitely related to wearing the FREmedica™ frequency device. I had deep-seated emotions emerge, which had been held in for years.

I ramped up slowly, controlled my settings on the WAVE App. The second and third phase did bring up even more stuff. I would be overstimulated and jerked awake. This subsides as you go on…but it’s proof (to me) something is happening. Like I mentioned before, it’s not an “overnight” cure. It is a gentle re-alignment with benefits showing up weeks and months later.

How I Found FREmedica™

After you are ill for so long, you start to realize it’s so much more than one thing or one pathogen. This led me to frequencies, more research, and then I found FREmedica™.

My Message To Others

The FREmedica™ device arrived very nicely packaged and was very high quality in it’s construction and technology. I was impressed. I said, “woah, this is like a real device!” After using it, I can say the battery life is fabulous and the elastic fabric straps are still like new and very robust. It is worth the money.

FREmedica™’s customer service is awesome! I thought it was really cool that the company could see my device usage! This is great, as they can really dial into your questions. I was advised of my option to wear the device a minimum of 90 minutes daily. However, I prefer to wear WAVE 1 at night. My seven hour nighttime ritual just works better for me. Others will find their groove too. It’s helpful that FREmedica™ knows it’s customers well!

I look forward to the day FREmedica™ can be a device that anyone can wear depending on the pathogen they are dealing with! I have some “weird’ gut pathogens that could be cleared with the right frequencies but for now, I’m limited to the frequencies FREmedica™ provides. This is groundbreaking new stuff and I think as we move on and learn more about pathogens, health and frequencies FREmedica™ will be a big player in helping people heal from chronic diseases and maybe even simple colds, flu, viruses, etc.

THANK YOU for making this healing device! Even Einstein said it: “the future of medicine is frequencies.” ????

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