TURNING POINT MOMENT: After about 3 months of use, I already started to notice a difference.
My Life With Lyme
I was diagnosed with Lyme by my homeopathic doctor. For 16 years, I had the following symptoms: an irregular heartbeat, a mild heart attack, pneumonia, and pain in my abdomen. My pain level was at a 7 or 8, which made it impossible to sleep at night. A good night’s sleep was 2 hrs of restless sleep. I then developed tremors and muscle spasms. My face and neck muscles and entire body ached all the time. Every day it was hard to keep my balance and walk straight. My medical doctor said I had “Parkinson’s”, while my Neurologist called it, “Cervical Dystonia”.

Started Using WAVE 1
December, 2018
My WAVE 1 Experience
The pain was unbearable, but now it happens less frequently. My heartbeat is mostly normal and my digestive system has calmed down considerably. I will have restless sleep that lasts 4 hours at a time. I still experience short periods of depression, but I used to struggle with it all the time. I can eat a larger variety of foods now. I’m also able to take vitamins and minerals sublingually, without having pains and feeling sick all the time! Since using the device, I am able to enjoy baking cookies again. My husband, Edgar says, my eyes usually sparkle now like they used to!
Thanks so much to everyone on the Fremedica™ team. You have made my life much better! I can never thank you enough.
The Turning Point
After about 3 months of use, I already started to notice a difference. I noticed the setting for “aches and pain” which helped me. My pain level has now gone down to a 3 or a 4. During the nights, I have trouble sleeping, so the “calm and sleep” usually helps with this. I use the “digestive” setting a lot too. My digestive system has improved now.
How I Found FREmedica™
I found out from a friend.
My Message To Others
I would recommend WAVE 1 for anybody with chronic health problems. It has been an up and down journey, but gradually, I got better. It is money well spent! After nearly 2 years, I still use it every day. I would not want to be without it!