TURNING POINT MOMENT: Almost immediately, my stomach issues disappeared.
My Life With Lyme
I never felt sick with Lyme. I just had itchy skin, which is how I was diagnosed. I’ve had stomach issues my entire life, which mostly resulted in parasites. This symptom is where I noticed a significant difference while using WAVE 1.

Started Using WAVE 1
June, 2017
My WAVE 1 Experience
I have worn WAVE 1 every single day since receiving it. I have two of the old models and two of the new models. I wear the newer model at night and the old model during the day!
The Turning Point
Almost immediately, my stomach issues disappeared. I travel constantly and every time I visited third world countries, no matter how particular I was about what I ate or drank, I would return with parasites and major stomach issues. Since wearing my WAVE 1, I’ve had virtually no issues. The device has really changed my life.
How I Found FREmedica™
Stephen Davis was organizing a World Entrepreneurs Forum in Vancouver in 2017, and my husband was a speaker. We met, and Stephen shared Waveforce™ with us.
My Message To Others
Just do it. I have a gazillion health devices and this is, hands down, my favorite!