TURNING POINT MOMENT: I realized I had written a note in longhand after only being able to print for about 5 years due to hand tremors.
My Life With Lyme
I have never been diagnosed with Lyme but have some symptoms that could be related to it.

My WAVE 1 Experience
At the end of the first month of using the WAVE 1, I noticed a substantial improvement in the function of my digestive system. I am also seeing improvements in my balance system.
The Turning Point
After 4 months my wife asked who had written a note for me. Then, I realized I had written that note in longhand after only being able to print for about 5 years due to hand tremors.
You know it’s helping when people around you comment about your improvement. For example, the assistant at my dental office said, “I don’t have to ask you how you are feeling, I can see you are doing great, you can get yourself into the dentist chair!”