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Vanessa’s Story

FIGHTING LYME: 2.5 years

TURNING POINT MOMENT: I noticed a decrease in pain after my first month of using WAVE 1.

My Life With Lyme

My Lyme experience was subtle at the start. I was lethargic and had mild pain in my arms and legs, accompanied by constant tiredness. It progressively became more aggressive. I had a terrible ‘pins and needles’ feeling in my feet, where I couldn’t lift my legs or raise my arms. I lost weight and was exhausted. My simplest recollection was that I just felt terrible.

Started Using WAVE 1

July, 2019

My WAVE 1 Experience

I used it daily for 5-8 hours. After my first month of using the device, my energy increased, my pain levels decreased and my short term memory drastically improved.

The Turning Point

I noticed a decrease in pain after my first month of using WAVE 1.

How I Found FREmedica™

I found out about FREmedica™ through a friend.

My Message To Others

Give your body time to adjust to the WAVE 1!

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