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Processing Trauma

Processing trauma has become a pervasive concept with trauma-focused therapists popping up all across the globe. Some of these appear on social media sites, such as Instagram and others have written books, such as “The Body Keeps the Score.” An increased interest in working through your trauma makes sense. Many have survived a traumatic event of some form, from an emotionally clamorous childhood to a distressful medical emergency, the sudden death of a loved one to discrimination of your race, religion, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.

Living through the COVID pandemic has layered in additional stressors to one’s already existing trauma. Other issues in the world, such as the Ukraine war and the increase in mass shootings are also adding stress to everyone’s daily life. While not every stressor is considered traumatic or has lingering effects, these experiences can have a negative impact on your current lifestyle.

The Truth About Trauma

The truth about trauma is that it can leave a physical imprint on your body, it is not just in your head. The physical and emotional reactions to trauma can cause serious health issues including diabetes, cancer, stroke, heart attack, and obesity. There is also the risk of developing increased physical and mental health issues with each traumatic event you experience.

On the outside, a person who has suffered a traumatic experience or one who is experiencing traumatic distress can look healthy and whole. The problem with trauma is that it can fester like an invisible wound and weaken your body’s defenses until it becomes a
full-blown illness.

Processing Trauma While It Is Happening

When you are involved in a traumatic event, you will not be able to fully grasp the impact at the moment. With this immense stress, your body goes into ‘survival mode.’ This mode prepares your body for dangerous or stressful situations and allows you to operate on an evolutionary instinct to either flee and save yourself or stay and fight. You are not fully thinking in this state as you are more responding and behaving.

It can be months or weeks later as you begin to think back on the event and start to process what happened. Even though you are beginning to remember and think about how the event unfolded, you may not be able to fully process or recover from it.

How Trauma Manifests in Your Body, Mind, and Life

Trauma can disrupt your relationships, emotions, thoughts, and biology. You can have negative thoughts flooding through your mind such as believing you don’t deserve to be treated well, or feeling like you are broken. This illness can shatter your core beliefs and have you believing the world is unsafe or all humans are unkind. These thoughts can begin to swallow up who you once were and drown you in waves of isolation and depression.

How to Overcome Physical and Emotional Trauma Experienced in Your Day

NIKKI is a bioenergetics-based wearable that releases frequencies to return proper cellular function in the network of 37 trillion cells within your body. Its cornerstone frequency program called “Night-Time” works while you sleep to help your system overcome the emotional trauma you’ve experienced during your day. NIKKI also provides a span of frequencies that will complement your day’s activities and issues. These issues could range from an exhaustive marathon to a stressful meeting at the office.

We all know trauma and stress are unavoidable; however, there are ways in which we can equip ourselves with the inner power to overcome. Preview NIKKI frequency programs at: . Learn more about how you can find your best self and remove any obstacles of physical and emotional trauma.

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