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Learn from Jessica Devine, a Community Warrior and Lyme Survivor who has overcome most of her struggles with daily regular use of WAVE 1. She shares her experience in using the WAVE 1 wearable and describes her benefits including a boost of energy, deeper sleep and overall improved well-being. She has been a positive force in the Lyme community helping to promote WAVE 1 to others, because she strongly believes it ultimately made the final difference for her own life.

Added Special Guests:
Dr. Keith Pyne, Championship Winning Sports Consultant and Lyme Survivor with the WAVE 1. And FREmedica Founder, Stephen Davis who is a Lyme Survivor Parent for his daughter and two grandsons, who found life again with wellness frequency technology.

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“I rarely have pain now, and finally stopped napping. I knew this would be worth trying!”

Jessica Devine, inspiring Lyme Survivor, owner of a WAVE 1 and Official Referrer.


As a performance and recovery consultant to top athletes and championship-winning sports teams, Keith faced a personal competition with Lyme. He celebrated his victory over the disease by mentoring the Toronto Raptors to the NBA Championship and earning two MLB World Series with the Washington Nationals and LA Dodgers.

Dr. Pyne shares both his personal and professional perspectives through his own quest to overcome Lyme disease. Recognized as the “Body Whisperer”, he strongly believes in making frequency technology a critical adjunct in the wellness toolbox, when dealing with Lyme.

It’s one thing to suffer from Lyme disease. What’s worse is suffering as the parent of a child with Lyme. This is a story of love and tenacity. 

Entrepreneur, inventor and father of a daughter and two grandchildren with Lyme, Stephen set out to discover a path to recovery from the disease when traditional approaches failed.

Today, Stephen’s family is Lyme free and as CEO of FREmedica, he shares his WAVE 1 technology with Lyme sufferers across North America.

Stephen has also kindly invited a Kentucky Lyme Support Group member to share her own story on recovery. These personal stories and more, will ignite your path to wellness. Discover new bold approaches while learning from a powerhouse of leading Lyme experts!