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As a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Professional (FDN-P), Eric Shadd is passionate about synthesizing the very best in health optimization for those dealing with complex illnesses such as Lyme and related co-infections. Eric battles with chronic fatigue, severe gut imbalances, Lyme co-infections, parasites, hormonal dis-regulation (adrenal, thyroid, pituitary), and heavy metal toxicity.

Eric shares his own initial experience with the WAVE 1 and how it has helped bring his recovery to the next level. Eric is now in Phase Four of the WAVE 1 program and is feeling considerable improvements. Stay tuned for Part 2 of this interview, showcasing his latest progress!


  1. How Stephen became interested in Lyme even though he personally did not have the condition…
  2. Why it took 8 years to get an official Lyme diagnosis for his daughter and her two kids
  3. What conventional and alternative Lyme treatments, if any did they try…
  4. The wildest/weirdest/sketchy thing Stepnen and his family explored
  5. The details of my own health journey including dental accident, tons of antibiotics, many gut issues, and eventual discovery of Bartonella/Lyme
  6. What were the specific events and people that got Stephen interested in frequency for health and healing
  7. Why Lyme is so challenging to discover and treat? Hint: it mimics over 300 health challenges
  8. How the WAVE 1 is different from the zillion frequency devices out there
  9. What limits success with the WAVE 1 device and program
  10. What therapies compliment the WAVE 1
  11. What successful WAVE 1 customers do to ensure success: Hint: use it every day without fail
  12. What a user expect should when using the WAVE 1 and more

Click Here to Listen to the podcast on Apple Podcasts

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